Taxonomic Classification of Modern Humans

Domain: Eukarya (as opposed to Archaea or Bacteria)

Kingdom: Animalia/Metazoa (as opposed to plants, fungi, or single-celled stuff)

Sub-kingdom: Eumetazoa (most animals except sponges and placozoa)

Bilateria (Eumetazoans with a body plan that features bilateral symmetry.) Bilateria is neither a sub-kingdom or superphylum so I’m not really sure what the correct term for this grouping is.

Super-phylum: Deuterostomia (These are Bilateria whose first body cavity created during embryonic development is the anus.)

Phylum: Chordata (These are members of Deuterostomia with a nerve cord running down their dorsal surface.)

Craniata (Chordates with a skull.) Craniata is neither a phylum nor a sub-phylum, so I’m not really sure what the correct term for this grouping is.

Sub-phylum: Vertebrata (Members of Craniata with a spine.)

Class: Mammalia (Mammals, i.e. warm-blooded critters with fur/hair and mammary glands)

Sub-class: Theria (mammals who give birth to live young, as opposed to birthing shelled eggs)

Infra-class: Eutheria/Placentalia (Placental mammals)

Subcohort Exafroplacentalia

Magnorder: Boreoeutheria

Super-order: Euarchontoglires (includes rodents and primates)

Grand-order: Euarchonta (these are the tree shrews, lemurs, and primates)

Order: Primates (simians and prosimians)

Sub-order: Haplorrhini (The Latin translation is dry-nosed. This distinguishes them from the curly-nosed and wet-nosed primates)

Infraorder: Simiiformes/Simians (monkeys and apes)

Parvorder: Catarrhini (apes and old-world monkeys)

Super-family: Hominoidea (apes)

Family: Homonidae/Hominids (the great apes)

Sub-family: Homoninae (humans, gorillas, and chimps, but not orangutans.)

Tribe: Homonini (humans, chimps, and bonobos, but not gorillas.)

Genus: Homo (modern humans, and their fossil cousins.)

Species: homo sapiens (humans)

Sub-species: homo sapiens sapiens (modern humans, not including Neanderthals, Heidelberg man, Rhodesian man, or other archaic humans.)

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