This page contains links to the articles contained in Joel Spolsky’s Best Software Writing I.
- Introduction
- Ken Arnold Style is Substance
- Leon Bambrick Award for the Silliest User Interface: Windows Search
- Michael Bean The Pitfalls of Outsourcing Programmers: Why Some Software Companies Confuse the Box with the Chocolates:
- Rory Blyth Excel as a Database
- Adam Bosworth ICSOC04 Talk
- danah boyd Autistic Social Software
- Raymond Chen Why Not Just Block the Apps that Rely on Undocumented Behavior?
- Kevin Cheng and Tom Chi Kicking the Llama
- Cory Doctorow Save Canada’s Internet from WIPO
- ea_spouse EA: The Human Story
- Bruce Eckel Strong Typing vs. Strong Testing
- Paul Ford Processing Processing
- Paul Graham Great Hackers
- John Gruber The Location Field is the New Command Line
- Gregor Hohpe Starbucks Does Not Use Two-phase Commit
- Ron Jeffries Passion
- Eric Johnson C++ – The Forgotten Trojan Horse
- Eric Lippert How Many Microsoft Employees Does It Take to Change a Lightbulb?
- Michael “Rands” Lopp What to Do When You’re Screwed: 5 Scenarios for High-Velocity Engineering Managers
- Larry Osterman Larry’s Rules of Software Engineering #2: Measuring Testers by Test Metrics Doesn’t
- Mary Poppendieck Team Compensation
- Rick Schaut Mac Word 6.0
- Clay Shirky A Group is Its Own Worst Enemy
- Clay Shirky Group as User: Flaming and the Design of Social Software
- Eric Sink Closing the Gap, Part 1
- Eric Sink Closing the Gap, Part 2
- Eric Sink Hazards of Hiring
- Aaron Swartz PowerPoint Remix
- why the lucky stiff A Quick (and Hopefully Painless) Ride through Ruby (with Cartoon Foxes)